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  “Brr, getting chillier every day here. Well, nice meeting you and have great trip back to wherever you’re going!” She waved and sauntered off.

  People believing in demons…pointed ears…what was up with this city? Could he have seen that correctly?

  Nah. He shook his head. Definitely not.

  Rhys had one hand on the steering wheel and his other on Enza’s thigh as they drove home from her shift at her bakery. He’d given her the bare bones version of the day’s events. Now she wanted details.

  “So you just put cuffs on Trina and texted your friends that you were leaving? They didn’t ask where you were taking her?” Enza asked.

  “Parker and I have worked together enough that he knows my routine. Sometimes I have to disappear in a hurry.” Rhys shrugged. “I told him I was taking her to the authorities. Then when I got back, I sent a follow up text that I brought her to my homicide contact. Which is not a false statement.” Rhys had taken Trina to his headquarters on Torth and released her to the Watcher inner circle lieutenants. She’d been put in a cell, until her family’s clan leader could be contacted. Then she would be turned over to him or her for punishment.

  “I’m glad you got back so soon,” Enza rubbed her thumb over his knuckles. “And your friends don’t suspect anything about the ley lines, or anything else in Jerry’s work?”

  “Sounds like Jerry talked himself into a hole. All about demons, spells, living for centuries, magic, and blending their blood and DNA.” Rhys glanced at her as they sat at a red light. “Pretty much made himself sound crazy, which made the rest of it fall into place.” The guy was now under psychiatric observation.

  Enza gazed down at the diamond solitaire on her left ring finger. She’d grown up in the human world, unaware of the supernatural one that paralleled it. Though she and Rhys had completed their mate bond, they were going to have a tradition human wedding next summer. “This may sound weird, but I can’t help feeling a little bad for Jerry and Trina.”

  The light turned green, and Rhys hit the gas. He kept quiet, waited for his woman to voice the rest of her thoughts, feeling the palpable weight of her love for him and her empathy toward the now-separated couple.

  “I mean,” she went on.” I can’t imagine life without you. I love you so much. I’d do anything to be at your side. To protect you if you were in danger.”

  “Almost anything,” Rhys murmured.

  “Almost,” she agreed. “I understand they took it too far.” A soft sigh escaped her. “Why couldn’t Jerry have just quit when Scott wanted to shut down his project? He could work somewhere else and continue the research. As weird and twisted as it was.”

  “I know, bella. That would’ve been the much better choice.”

  “Will he be indicted for Scott’s murder?”

  “The guys and Megan heard Trina fess up to it. And the interesting thing is, Trina had no electronic trail. No credit cards, no car, no driver’s license. She lived with Scott, but her name wasn’t on the lease.”

  “So the cops think he’s making up stuff about demons and magic, and next they’ll think he’s making up Trina?”

  Rhys nodded. “Maybe.”

  “But what about all the photos you found in his apartment?”

  “Not sure if anyone will be able to tie them to a woman who otherwise doesn’t seem to exis—” Rhys’s phone chimed with a text from Jude, and he took a second to look at the screen. “Whoa.”

  “What is it?” Enza asked.

  Rhys thanked the timing of the city’s traffic control system as they caught another red light. He opened the text and read it aloud. “Trina’s clan sent a rep here, wants to go to Jerry’s place. He’ll take all photos of her and her belongings to Torth. She’s never allowed back to Earth.”

  Enza’s jaw dropped. “Oh my god. There’ll be no trace of her.”

  He nodded and took her hand, needing to reassure her as the latest reminder at the harsh reality of the supernatural world hung in the air. It coexisted with the human realm in a fragile balance that most of the planet never suspected. No trace, no details, no visibility. And that’s how it would stay.


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  Are you a fan of the Titan series and new to the Watcher’s Kiss series?

  In TWISTED DESIRE, you got to meet Rhys, the warrior-hacker Watcher from the team based in Chicago. Please enjoy this excerpt from his book:


  Questions about what Rhys did bounced around in Enza’s head. But just as she was insanely curious, her brain was nearing overload. Tonight had been overwhelming and all she wanted was her bed. Quiet, cozy, and familiar. She just wanted to pull the covers over her head and be glad she was alive.

  In a few minutes they reached Wicker Park, and she directed him to her apartment. To her surprise, Rhys got out and met her on the sidewalk. “It’s late. Do you have to work tomorrow?”

  “No, thank god.” She fidgeted, shoving her hands into her pockets. “Looks like I’ll be at the phone store, replacing my phone.”

  “That sucks.” He eyed her building. “Tell me you’re not on the first floor.”

  “No, third.”

  “Good. That’s safer.”

  “I have three locks. And the door has a code.”

  He scowled. “I know tonight was crazy. I want you to be careful where you go, especially at night. No more alleys.”

  “Okay.” She appreciated his concern, delivered with sincerity. In the light of the streetlamp, she could see the strong line of his jaw, and full lower lip. Technically, she could say goodbye and be done with him. She had no reason to see him again.

  But she wasn’t sure she wanted that. She didn’t understand what he did, but he had brought her home safely. And that fact melted her worry that he was crazy or dangerous. She ground her sneaker toe into the sidewalk as the right kind of parting words escaped her. “So… thanks for the ride home. Good luck with, uh, your work.” What did he even call it? Evil-creature-tracking?

  “You too.” He angled his head toward her apartment. “I’ll walk you to the door.”

  She nodded and ducked her head in an unsuccessful attempt to hide a grin. Big and protective and, apparently, a genuinely nice guy to boot. His arm brushed hers as they took the one step up to the door. Warmth bloomed in her chest.

  “Um.” She flipped up the plastic cover for the keypad, hand hovering, thoughts melting like chocolate in a double boiler. Her mind drew a total blank. What was her code again?

  Rhys leaned an arm on the brick next to her and tilted his head. Heat rolled off his frame and she met his twinkling brown eyes. “Need help?”

  “Um, I…” feel like an idiot. In the glow of the light above the door, all his features came together to form a magazine-worthy picture of hotness. How was it possible for a guy to seem laid-back and alert at the same time? He stood a fraction of an inch away. Sudden images swept into her brain of when his arms had been around her tonight. When he’d held on to her as they fell. When he’d grabbed her when she tried to run. The smolder in her chest crept up, heating her cheeks.

  The bulb flickered on and off three times and Rhys shot a glare at it before looking back at her. “Does it do that a lot?”

  She bit her lip. “Remember what I said in the car about technology hating me and files not saving?”

  “Yeah?” Curiosity coated that one little word.

  “Sometimes electricity gets weird around me too. I-I have no idea why. It’s kind of embarrassing. Annoying, really. Though no one ever thinks stuff is my fault, so I guess it doesn’t matter.” Darn it, she was babbling again.

  “I’m sure you’re not the only one,” he murmured.

  She blinked. That wasn’t what she expected him to say, and what did that even mean? Most people were surprised at her electrical
quirk, or at least thought she was weird.

  “You should go in,” he said, his voice a rumble that danced across her skin.

  “I should,” she repeated. “My code is…” By some miracle, the four digits popped back into her mind and she typed them before she forgot for a second time. “Thanks again.” She gave a small wave and ducked in.

  She leaned on the heavy wooden door for a moment. Oh my god, how embarrassing. First getting so flustered by him that she forgot her own door code, then her stupid electrical issues.

  But wow. Being in proximity to him had short-circuited her brain.

  Are you a fan of the Watcher’s Kiss series and new to the Titan series?

  In TWISTED DESIRE, you got to meet Titan hacker extraordinaire, Parker Black. Please enjoy this excerpt from his story:


  A shadow curved over her table. Her stomach shrank as much as her body tingled. “You found me.”

  It wasn’t her broker or whoever had grabbed her at Union Station. Nope. Like her blood could sense how tall, dark, and handsome Parker was, it rushed and burned in her veins. She turned to see it was most certainly tall, dark, and maybe deadly, judging by the fire in his smoldering gaze. His muscles seemed relaxed, but given their lack of restraint in Union Station, she was sure that didn’t matter. Parker and Black were definitely an impressive combination. But he shouldn’t be there. He might be all muscles and brains, but he didn’t deserve to have a threat in his life just for knowing her.

  “You should go away.” She took another bite of ice cream and hoped-slash-prayed that he would wake her from a nightmare then take her to bed.

  “You should have gotten enough to share.” His smile was as intoxicating as it was teasing. “Orange sherbet and chocolate, just like sausage and banana peppers. You have unique taste.”

  Spoon between her lips, she shivered from the tone of his words, not the chill of the ice cream. Her ordering choices weren’t normal. Matt had never noticed, or if he did, he was an ass about it. Parker acted as if it was merely Lexi-laced trivia he was storing away for later.

  “I was just teasing.” Parker’s growly voice ran over her goose bumps that didn’t come from the ice cream. “I hate that you question yourself with me.”

  “I don’t.”

  “It’s simple, Lex. That’s what you like. Not a big deal. If anyone had a problem with that before, then you need to know it’s no longer a problem for you. Get me?”

  She nodded.

  He sat down. “The other thing you need to know is me. Who I am. Saying I was a Marine, telling you I was Titan, I get it. I was vague. It didn’t occur to me you needed to know.”

  “I don’t.”

  “You do.”


  “Because you’re trying to protect me?” He tilted his head. “Admirable if not suicidal, sweetheart.”

  She blushed. “I’m just… I don’t know.”

  He scooted closer, took the spoon from her, and rested it on the edge of the bowl. From there, he repositioned her face to face his, then his hands rested on the table. “My name is Parker Black. I sometimes work as BlackDawn. My employer is Titan, and my training is from both the Marines and MIT.”

  “I know.”

  “But you don’t know what that means. I will kill to protect you. I will hunt what follows you,” he said through clenched teeth. “I will seek out anything that has its sights on you, and I will destroy it. I’m not a muscle hound with a hard-on for electronics. I’m a mercenary for the good guys, an analyst of life-and-death situations, and I will, I swear to Christ, maim, harm, and kill anything that wants what I care about.”

  Her jaw hung open.

  “You are my top priority.” He closed his eyes for a second. “Understand what I’ve told you isn’t to scare you. It’s to make you feel safe. Get it?”

  She nodded.

  He picked up the spoon as if the speech he’d just given was nothing, then he took a huge spoonful of ice cream and fudge. He made a face but grinned. “Not for me. But you like what you like. Nothing’s wrong with that.”

  He handed the spoon back, and God, she had to bite her teeth together to keep from uttering stupid words that were far, far too soon but felt like what was in her head that second. Things like I love you.

  “Any thoughts?” The deep gravel of those words made her drunk, reminding her of what he could do to her body.

  Her pulse flew, and her lips parted as if she would murmur how she felt. But instead, she whispered, “I really like you. You’re an amazing guy.”

  Never in a million years did she think Parker had it in him to blush, but his chuckle was accompanied by a hint of color on his cheeks. “I won’t complain about that.”

  A N


  I want to give a big hug and kiss to Cristin for inviting me to be part of the Titan World launch. After critiquing and beta reading back and forth since each of our very first books, I adore the Titan and Delta families as if they were my own characters, and I’m always cheering for them to bust in, guns-a-blazing, and save the day.

  Several years ago, I was writing Wicked Flames, and I mentioned in an early chapter that my Lash demon Rhys had worked with Cristin’s Titan guy Parker in the past. When I added that in, I thought, “Hmm, this is a cool backstory detail, and that’s probably how it’ll stay.” I never imagined that I would get to bring these two tech savvy heroes together FOR REAL! Creating a plot with them, and new Titan member Locke, has been so much fun. And it wouldn’t have been possible without the unique traits and twists Cristin has so masterfully added to her books.

  So thank you Cristin, for sharing your amazing series. Here’s to forever writing book boyfriends who take down bad guys and win hearts!



  Sharon Kay writes award-winning fiction and can never get enough reading time. She loves winter and black coffee, and is endlessly inspired to write kick-ass heroines and the men strong enough to capture their hearts. Sharon lives in the Chicago area with her husband and son, and one weekend the idea for her Lash Watchers and tough leading ladies formed in her head, refusing to stay quiet until she put pen to paper. Her characters tend to keep her up at night, as they banter, fall in love, and slay endless varieties of power-hungry demons.

  Sign up for Sharon’s newsletter to keep up with her demons, see early cover reveals and be entered in periodic giveaways.

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  Want more Titan World books?

  Here is a complete list:

  DÉJÀ VU by Cristin Harber

  WHERE I BELONG by Claudia Connor

  NEVER MINE by Megan Mitcham


  FLIGHTPATH by Amber Addison

  GOING UNDER by Anna Bishop Barker

  DOWNTIME by Karyn Lawrence


  TARGET OF MINE by M.L. Buchman

  RESCUED HEART by Tarina Deaton

  TWISTED DESIRE by Sharon Kay